Service in the Community:

To believe is to care…to care is to do…
We are committed to the well-being and wholeness of Durham,, the Seacoast Region and all of New Hampshire. Neighborliness is the substance of our faith, and the path into dynamic relationships with communities and organizations all over the state. From preparing meals to fixing fences, from organizing food drives to showing up for the isolated–we step out in faith and compassion, God’s partners in blessing and loving the neighbors whose lives and dreams bless us in return.

Cross Roads House
Church Contact: Carla Wilson
Founded in 1982, Cross Roads House provides emergency and transitional shelter to homeless men, women and children in the Seacoast area. We provide homeless families and individuals with basic necessities, as well as the tools and guidance they need to return to permament housing.
Dover Friendly Kitchen
Church Contact: Amy VanCamp or Angie Pelaggi

The Dover Friendly Kitchen is a ministry of the Dover Coopoerative Ministries. Under the capable leadership of Margarite Sharpe, the Friendly Kitchen opens its doors (and delicious food) to everyone who needs a good meal and some caring companionship. The program is open every Tuesday and Thursday, and it’s located in the hall of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in downtown Dover. Dinner is served from 5 pm to 6 pm; different faith communities take charge each day to make and serve the meal. Presently Bryn Burns and her Community Church team are responsible for every 5th Thursday–as it comes round several times a year.
Cornucopia at Waysmeet
Church Contact: Hugh Tyler
The Cornucopia Food Pantry is located at 15 Mill Road in Durham, inside The Waysmeet Center on the UNH campus. Donations are accepted during or outside of operating hours, and can be dropped off in the donation bin inside The Waysmeet Center.
Church Contact: Brenda Sargent
HAVEN is the merged nonprofit organization of A Safe Place and Sexual Assault Support Services. Both were born of community action and organizing to aid victims of domestic and sexual violence. They began in the late 70s to address these issues plaguing the communities we love. Through the evolution of services and community action in working to strengthen laws for survivors and protect children, the agencies worked side by side and served many of the same clients.
New Hampshire Food Bank
Church Contact: Justice & Witness

The New Hampshire Food Bank, a program of Catholic Charities NH, serves as the only food bank in the state, working to provide nutritious food and resources to the hundreds of thousands of NH residents that are food insecure. The Food Bank supplies millions of pounds of food annually to more than 400 partner agencies, including food pantries, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, children’s programs, senior centers and more. In turn, these agencies provide hunger relief to those suffering from food insecurity throughout the state.
End 68 Hours of Hunger
Church Contact: John Pelaggi
Childhood food insecurity occurs when children receive insufficient food on a regular basis; in many cases, missing meals entirely. After a while, these children also experience “fear of hunger”–affecting their behavior as much as physical hunger affects thir bodies. There are more than 16 million food insecure children in America today.
End 68 Hours puts nourishing food in the hands of school children to carry them through the weekend. Each bag of food costs $10 each week and provides two breakfasts, two lunches, and three dinners for a child, with some left over to share!
ECHO Thrift Shop
The Echo Thrift Shop is a completely volunteer run thrift shop collaboration between the nonprofit organization Friends In Action and the Community Church of Durham.
100% of the shop’s proceeds support local non-profit organizations including Friends in Action, the Cocheco Valley Humane Society, the Dover Soup Kitchen, Cornucopia Food Pantry, Families First, Goodwin Community Health, Operation Blessing, and Crossroads House, among others.