Ministries & Committees
What Makes Us Tick
At the heart of our tradition is a conviction: that we are, together, a “priesthood of all believers.” As seekers and disciples, baptized into the church, we are all ministers, every one of us called to service and witness around the gospel of the Risen Christ. In the United Church of Christ, our pastors teach and encourage, and they mentor congregations in the practices of Christian life and discernment. But we are ALL ministers, and this brings a sense of urgency and vitality to our gatherings, our work, our life together.
How We Live and Work
In part, we do this through a lively network of ministries, teams and church committees. Leaders lead us in reflection, discernment and action. And these ministries bring the gospel to life in programs, initiatives and faithful care for the church’s people, resources and visions!
Four Key Ministries
Education & Faith Formation Ministry
The Education and Faith Formation Ministry supports our educational programs including church school, multigenerational services, middle and highschool youth groups, adult education and vacation bible school.
Justice & Witness Ministry
The Justice and Witness Ministry identifies and publicizes needs and opportunities in the area of home and world mission, and brings to light neglected and undiscovered needs.
Spiritual Nurture Ministry
The Spiritual Nurture Ministry works with the pastor to prepare worship services that are relevant and respectful of tradition, yet dynamic and vital–so that each of us feels embraced by the church’s welcoming spirit.
Stewardship Ministry
Our “Stewards” oversee the financial and business affairs of the church, along with the care and upkeep of our remarkable church building, campus and property.
Church Governance and Planning
Congregational Governance
Steeped in Congregational traditions, we have a strong commitment to participatory decision-making. At the same time, we recognize that we can’t all be involved in every decision–if we hope to get things done in a timely fashion and respond to changes as they happen. We trust, then, in gifted and called lay leaders, and in the faithfulness of all members around discernment and direction.
Our Church Council
The Church Council is comprised of representatives of each of our boards and committees. The Council helps these groups coordinate with one another and stay focused on the vision and goals identified by the congregation in our Strategic Plan and ongoing work. The Council is also the policy-making body of the church.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is responsible for identifying and encouraging members to serve on boards and committees and other ministry teams. Their particular passion is discernment: matching individuals with opportunities and ministries that spark interest and passion.
Service Teams & Committees
Green Justice Team
The Green Justice Team inspires and motivates our faithful response to climate change and other environmental crises and needs.
Open & Affirming Committee
The Open & Affirming Committee helped to name and organize our passion for inclusion…and our formal process of passing a Covenant of Openness and Affirmation in 2006.
The CARE Team coordinates visits with those who are sick and homebound. We offer support and training for lay leaders seeking to grow as friends and care-givers.
Music and Arts Committee
The Music and Arts Committee serves as a catalyst for all music and arts programs at the Community Church…and we also provide a channel through which Music Committee members can grow spiritually, emotionally and socially.
Memorial Garden Trustees
These Trustees oversee the Memorial Garden, located won the hill, behind our church building. In the Garden, ashes of those who have died are interred. A special Memorial Book of Remembrance records interments, photos, obituaries and biographical sketches. The Trustees also maintain the physical upkeep of the Garden.